Overcome Your Limits, Get Unstuck and Ignite Your New Beginning

In just 7 days, unlock the exact blueprint to not just survive in a world filled with uncertainty… but to THRIVE in your life, career & secure your future!

I want to extend a warm, welcome invitation for 
you to join my Rise Above Challenge™...

Want to “Rise Above” Your Problems in Life?

Stop your self-doubts triggering even greater setbacks?

Eliminate the fear that has you “overthinking” every action you take?

Or perhaps you’re just wondering where your life fell off track… but you can’t seem to gain clarity or break free of the self-imposed limits you’re trapped within. 

If any of the above resonated with you, I want you to know you’re not alone.

You deserve the chance to live an extraordinary life.

You can become one of the people who “goes for it” without concern for what might happen.

All you need is a helping hand to help you FINALLY break free and find your footing on the path you were always destined to take in your life.

But, your doubts, self-sabotage, and inner resistance… can be impossible to overcome alone.

That’s Why I’ve Built This Challenge For You! 

Here's the thing...

It’s far too easy to be swept away in a rush of negative emotions when you experience a setback in your life.

In my mind, I picture it like a floodgate that opens, to release... Fears. Doubts. Frustrations. Failures.  

Powerful feelings that can overwhelm your own ability to cope.And as a result, you’re swept along a painful emotional rollercoaster. Without control over yourself, your reactions, or even your mental state.
Many people never even realize it’s happening to them...

I’ve seen the devastating results in the loved ones in my life, and I’ve made it my mission to help as many people as I possibly can overcome their problems once and for all. 

Exactly what my Rise Above Challenge™ tackles head-on...

What happens next...

During the 7 Day Rise Above Challenge…
I’ll send you a DAILY rapid results video training, so you can listen on your time. 

Enjoying the profound insights while getting ready for work, preparing kids for school or working out in the gym - with rapid short trainings and action steps designed specifically for high achievers like you. 

Even if you’re hard-pressed for time, the Rise Above Challenge will help trigger a radical breakthrough in your mindset - yes, even for a student like you.

The Rise Above Challenge™ is a revolutionary new approach

...(using the latest tools and innovations in psychology) to help you to FINALLY rise above your problems and reach success faster...


Liberate (Days 1-3)

Step away from a powerless and victimized state of mind to liberate your suppressed emotional energy and create unstoppable momentum.


Reprogram (Days 4-5)

Use a powerful method to eliminate procrastination, stress and self-doubts to reprogram your beliefs to start fresh towards a future filled with possibilities.


Evolve (Days 6-7)

Free yourself of the problems and issues slowing you down and evolve past the crippling fears, doubts, and negative patterns to take your life to the next level. 

Ask Yourself This...

What kind of person could you become if you stripped away the limiting beliefs you’ve developed from all the setbacks you’ve faced...?

What kind of success could you reach if you silenced the negative voice in your head, the one telling you what is and isn’t possible to achieve...?

What kind of extraordinary life could you live if you set fear and self-doubts aside, overcoming the imagined obstacles that are holding you back…?

Take a minute with me now, and imagine...

  • Reaching effortless success without ever worrying if you're “good enough” to deserve the abundance of an extraordinary life.
  • ​​Enjoying deep, loving relationships with the people who matter most to you, without anticipating rejection or embarrassment.
  • ​​Being filled with a feeling of deep inner peace and no longer letting yourself be ruled by overthinking or “what-if” scenarios.
  • ​​Your whole being is incredibly healthier, livelier, and you’re filled with energy to tackle whatever life sends your way.
  • ​​The freedom to visit places you've always wanted to see, to try all the things you've always wanted to try, without the fear of failure nagging at you.
Is this what you want your life to look like?

For many of you, I know this is a resounding “HECK YES!!” - so here it is...

You can continue allowing obstacles and problems to weigh you down, or you can decide to RISE ABOVE the issues in your life and finally become greater than your problems. 

Using a proven psychological methodology and the latest science-backed tools to trigger an incredible personal transformation following a set of exact, practical steps. 
That’s what’s inside the 7 Day “RISE ABOVE CHALLENGE”

About Your Mentor


Founder, CEO of Success Insider™

  • World-renowned speaker appearing at the Houses of Parliament, some of the world’s most prestigious universities, and even meeting the President of Ghana.
  • ​​Human Behavior Expert collaborating with some of the most prominent leaders in the industry such as T Harv Eker, Grant Cardone, Tom Bilyeu, Neil Patel, Marisa Peer, Patrick Bet-David, Caleb Maddix, Julius Dein, Evan Carmichael, Alex Ikonn, Antonio Centeno, and many more!
Tim Han is a world-renowned coach, human behavior expert, author, entrepreneur, and international speaker. 

He is the founder of Success Insider, the fastest growing personal development YouTube channel globally in 2016. More than 40,000,000 people have watched his videos in the last several years, and millions watch his videos online every month due to the channel's viral growth. 
But while this is where he is now, Tim started from humble beginnings (on the opposite side of the success ladder). 
At the age of 17, Tim was stuck in a dead-end job cleaning toilets. Addicted to drugs and involved with crime - but when his mum took him on a long, thought-provoking walk and reminded him of his father, who ran away when Tim was just two, he finally faced his awakening in life. At this moment, Tim realized the path he was on, and began to focus on contribution and serving others. He took charge of his life by understanding that complete reinvention from the inside out was not optional, it was mandatory.

By the age of 26, Tim had mastered his psychology. He built multiple online businesses that allowed him to create personal freedom, not only for himself but also for his loved ones.
By realizing what was possible from his own personal breakthrough, Tim was inspired to pay his message forward. This lead him to create Success Insider, with the sole aim to provide transformative education. Helping the people who refuse to settle for being average or mediocre with the vital self-mastery skills that the traditional education system has failed to teach us. 

Today, Success Insider provides the most cutting-edge, results-driven personal development tools, tips, and insights - to help people achieve their fullest potential.

Everything You’ll Get Inside The

Rise Above Challenge™


7 Days of “Rise Above” Training Videos

You’ll get daily challenge videos that guide you through a proven process to let go of your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, triggering an incredible transformation in your life. 

$500 VALUE


Private Support & Accountability Group

Join an exclusive network of your peers with an online accountability group to keep your momentum high as you complete every step of the process. 

$197 VALUE


Rise Above Training Cheat-Sheets

Short and impactful “cheat-sheet” snapshots ensure even the busiest challenge participants can make daily progress and never miss a critical lesson. 

$197 VALUE


Rapid Results Action Steps Checklist 

Fast-track your progress with quick checklists of the necessary action steps during the challenge to help you take rapid action in the fastest time.



Deluxe Rise Above Challenge Workbook 

One place to record and work through the daily challenges keeps you organized and on track, following a powerful methodology for breaking free of your biggest fears.



Personalized Graduation Digital Certificate 

Celebrate being back in the driver’s seat of your life with a personalized graduation certificate that commemorates the incredible progress you’ve made. 


TOTAL VALUE = $1,085

For You = Today Only $1

It’s Up To You Now…

Do YOU Want to Achieve Effortless Success, Enjoy Deep & Loving Relationships and Stop Letting all the “Worries” and “What-If’s” Rule Your Life… WITHOUT Fears and Doubts CONSTANTLY Dragging You Down?

Hear What Success Insider Students
Say About TIM HAN...

Frequently Asked Questions


I’ll Guarantee Your Entire $1 Investment

You read that right. I’m offering every student an unconditional 14-day money-back guarantee on the Rise Above Challenge. You can join the challenge, participate in the daily tasks, get active in the online support group... try out EVERYTHING… with zero risk. 

If this new challenge doesn’t meet your highest expectations, email our team at support@successinsider.com and claim a full and timely refund within 14 days.  It's that easy!  
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